Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Turkey Hunt 2011

David, Dennis, Justin, Daniel and Mario



Daniel, Mario, David, Justin


Mario, David, Justin, Daniel

Mario & Daniel



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Ditch Pony Promenade

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our daughter has only been riding Arabian horses for 11 months and this is only her 2nd horse show BUT, she has stood in many long lines for every pony ride you can imagine, spent many hours in the life stock barn at our State Fair, stopped everyone who owned a horse and asked if she could pet it, bought every horse book, toy, XBox game, magazine, stuffed animal, Barbie accessories, American Girl pet, earrings and necklaces.................. we have bought her everything has to do with horses. She even bridles up our two pet dogs and sometimes manages to put a barbie saddle on them as well. The best part is the dogs look at us like they are gonna be sick as they are whipped around to jump obstacles our daughter has made for them in our living room.

That's how you win 1st Place!

This is her passion and it shows as she easily glides across the arena on these beautiful Arabian horses.

Her trainer on the rail

Reverse at the walk


Silk is the horse who helped her win in yesterdays event. There were 14 entries in the Walk-Trot for children ages 10-13. These little girls and boys have rode all their lives and our daughter steps in with determination on her face to win.

As the riders lined up as our our cheering section anxiously wait for the MC to announce the winners!

They announced the 6th, 5th, 4th and then the 3rd place winners we sat more anxious knowing there was only 2nd and 1st place left.

2nd Place was announced................................

I looked back at the cheering section and it looked as thou everyone stopped breathing.

As they announced the first place winner they called out numbers

2...................3...............then 7

#237 was the 1st place winner!

Ditch Pony Promenade

1st Place Winner!


Training team


Sunday, April 3, 2011

A.H.A.N.M Arabian Horse Show April 2011

Alexia's 1st Arabian Horse Show

3-1st Place Ribbons

1- 4th Place Ribbon

The Valles and Gomez Family

The BEST Cheering Section!
Tomas, Leona, Gabby, Mercedes and TJ

1st Place Trail - Novice Horse/Rider

4th Place

Walk /Jog Western Pleasure - Open

1st Place

Walk / Jog Western Pleasure - Novice Rider

1st Place

Walk / Jog Western Pleasure - 17 & Under

Saturday, November 7, 2009